My name is Hulda. I live in the UK; I am married to a wonderful husband and mother to lovely children. I love cooking for my family using only natural ingredients, less oil and less sugar.

I have noticed with great concern that the African community (where I am originally from) cooks with lots of food flavour enhancers. Studies have shown that stock cubes contain ingredients which are harmful to our bodies. In addition to this, our community consumes a lot of oily and sugary foods, which leads to obesity and other diseases.

Being aware of this fact, I have changed my way of cooking (no cubes) for my house. I want to share this journey with you, hoping that you will be encouraged to cook in a healthier way.

I have met some people who wanted to stop using stock cubes, but they didn’t know how to cook without it. If this is also your case, you are welcome to make this journey with me. Please feel free to leave a comment; share this blog to other people or contact me.

Thank you.
