Main course Recipes

Best Achu and Yellow Soup

Achu and Yellow Soup

Achu and Yellow Soup is another traditional meal like Nkui Soup from the Bamileke tribe in Cameroon. As a child, I did not like eating Achu and Yellow Soup, because the first time I ate it, it wasn’t well done. But one day, I went to visit an aunt and she gave me a plate of this meal. Wow! I never forgot that day till today, because I discovered how delicious this it is. Since that day, I have loved eating this. This is just to say that Achu and Yellow Soup is a real delight when it is well done.

Achu and Yellow Soup also called “Taro Sauce Jaune” in French is a combination of pounded Cocoyam and yellow soup. This meal is a specialty of many villages in the West and Nord-west regions of Cameroon. In my village, it is offered to certain people as a way to honor them and it is also cooked in traditional ceremonies.

How is Achu and Yellow Soup cooked?

This meal is easy to cook and requires a few ingredients. These are cocoyam, Achu spices mix, palm oil, beef stock, cooked meat, Kanwaa (limestone), hot pepper, salt, and water.

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Achu and Yellow Soup

Achu and Yellow Soup

Achu and Yellow Soup also called "Taro Sauce Jaune" in French is a combination of pounded Cocoyam and yellow soup. This meal is a specialty of many villages in the West and Nord-west regions of Cameroon.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine African
Servings 6 people


  • 3 kg cocoyam
  • 250 ml palm oil
  • 14 g Kanwaa (limestone)
  • 3 tbsp Achu spices
  • 1 l lukewarm water
  • beef stock
  • salt to taste
  • hot pepper


  • Pour lukewarm water into a bowl, and add the Kanwaa. Stir the mixture well, ensuring that the Kanwaa is thoroughly incorporated into the water. Allow the mixture to sit and dissolve.
  • Pour the palm oil into a small pot. Warm the palm oil slightly, aiming to liquefy it without overheating. Then remove it from the heat. In a separate container, filter the mixed water containing Kanwaa to eliminate any impurities or dirt. Gradually introduce the filtered Kanwaa-mixed water into the warmed palm oil. Stir gently to achieve a uniform blend.
  • Utilize a whisk, blender, or any suitable tool to thoroughly combine the Kanwaa-infused water and palm oil mixture. Assess the consistency of the sauce to ensure a uniform blend of flavors and textures. If it is not well combined, gradually add more Kanwaa until you achieve the desired consistency.
  • In a separate small bowl, combine the Achu spices with a small amount of water and salt. Add the Achu spice mixture to the yellow sauce, and mix well. Introduce the cooked meat into the sauce and taste to assess saltiness. If necessary, adjust the seasoning by adding more salt according to your preference.
Keyword African food, cameroon food, cuisine camerounaise, sauce jaune

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